The minimum number of characters in the new password, which must be different from the characters in the old password. 新密码与旧密码中不同字符的最小数目。
Key in your old password and new password ( twice). 键入旧口令和新口令(两次)。
The objects stored on the server are encrypted with the old password and can only be restored with that key. 已存储在服务器上的对象使用旧口令加密,并只能使用该密钥还原。
Your old password is incorrect. Your password has not been changed. Please re-enter your password. 您的旧密码错误,密码没有被修改。请重新输入密码。
Never allow a session-validated user to enter a new password without also entering their old password, for example. 绝对不要让一个仅通过会话验证的用户在不输入旧密码的情况下去修改密码。
If you know the old password, type it now. 如果知道旧密码,就请输入。
{ The old password is not correct.} Check that the password is correct, and then try again. {旧密码错误。}请检查用户名和密码是否正确,再试一次。
Old password is not the same as the current password! 旧密码与当前密码不一致!
On the Change Logon Password tab, leave the Old Password box blank if a password hasn ′ t been defined previously for this account. Otherwise, type the current password in the Old Password box. 在“更改登录密码”选项卡中,如果以前未定义过该帐户的密码,可将“旧密码”框留空,否则在“旧密码”框中键入当前密码。
Your password change failed. You might have entered a wrong old password or there might be some system difficulties at the server. 密码更改失败。您可能输入了错误的旧密码,或是服务器系统有问题。
If you are our existing MERP user, you can use your old login ID and password to access to Teacher Resourcesafter registration. 如果您已是本社任何科目「现代教育资源库」的用户,完成登记后,便可使用已有的登入名称及登入密码来登入。
Is the new password a rotated version of the old password? 新密码的字符是否是旧密码字符的一个循环?
You must type in the old supervisor password. 必须键入旧的监护人密码。
New password cannot be same as old password. 新密码不能与旧密码相同。
The User name or old password is incorrect. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case. 用户名或旧密码不正确。密码的字母必须使用正确的大小写。
According to the proposed method, a method for changing an old password to a new password is proposed at end. 然后在该方法的基础上,提出了一种实现口令安全更换的方法。